Universal Studios StarWay
Shuttle Endeavor
The Space Shuttle Endeavor took its last flight today.
It looped right over Hollywood before landing at LAX.
So exciting!
Ultimately Endeavor will reside in Exposition Park at the California Science Center.
Locks of Love
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in August 2007 I was pretty sure I was going to live. But losing my hair to chemotherapy worried me. Would it grow back curly? Would it grow back thinner? Would it grow back at all? So I made a bargin with God. If He'd give me back my hair I promised to grow it long enough to donate to Locks of Love.
It grew back curly. It grew back thinner. And two weeks ago I paid off that debt. Brittney at TRUST! Hair Salon on Melrose took two pigtails and left me with a fabulous non-soccer-mom bob.
I'm All Out of Love
This outtake isn't on the DVD collection for Supernatural Season 7.
Thank you SNTeamFreeWill for posting it!
on 2012-09-21 04:57 by Jonella Allen
This is on disc 2 in the Special Features.
Fall has arrived
I want to live in a place where I throw this party.
Where it is forever autumn.
Where the air is always crisp.
Where apples are always in season.
Where pumpkin pie spices fill the air.
photo from page 9 of the potterybarn october 2012 catalog