Daily Booth

Hollywood Hills, CA

It was a good day.
A good day at work.
Until the end of the day.

Then I stayed an hour and a half late with the owner trying to get him to explain why, if he thinks we're all so wonderful and doing such a great job (he could give me no example of poor performance), does he gets so paranoid (his word, not mine) when we oh, I don't know, laugh. Or a few folks go on breaks together, you know, because we like each other. Or even my offense which was to ask my co-worker to Google a poem for me before I left because I'd already shut down my computer.

Now I'm exhausted.

He doesn't handle change well and we are on the first clickity clackety uphill climb of this roller coaster. Make sure seat belts are securely fastened and keep hands and arms inside the car at all times. It's going to be a bumpy ride.


May the Fourth be with you


Thar she blows!