Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate chip cookies, you gotta have more
You can bake them in the over or buy them at the store
But whatever you do, have 'em waiting at the door
And I'll love you till I die.

They're made out of sugar, butter, and flour
You put 'em in the over about a quarter hour,
But the thing that gives them their magical power
are the chocolate chips inside.

Chocolate chip cookies, you gotta have more
You can bake them in the over or buy them at the store
But whatever you do, have 'em waiting at the door
And I'll love you till I die.

You can't eat one, you can't eat two
Once you start munching, there's nothing you can do
But clea the plate and eat the crumbs too
Then go and find some more

Chocolate chip cookies, you gotta have more
You can bake them in the over or buy them at the store
But whatever you do, have 'em waiting at the door
And I'll love you till I die.

Now when I die, I don't want wings
A golden halo or a harp that sings
Give me a book, a fire, and someone that brings me
Chocolate chip cookies all day.

Chocolate chip cookies, you gotta have more
You can bake them in the over or buy them at the store
But whatever you do, have 'em waiting at the door
And I'll love you till I die.


Courtsey of the Girl Scouts, San Diego-Imperial Council.


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