Jonella Jonella

Locks of Love

When I was diagnosed with breast cancer in August 2007 I was pretty sure I was going to live. But losing my hair to chemotherapy worried me. Would it grow back curly? Would it grow back thinner? Would it grow back at all? So I made a bargin with God. If He'd give me back my hair I promised to grow it long enough to donate to Locks of Love.

It grew back curly. It grew back thinner. And two weeks ago I paid off that debt. Brittney at TRUST! Hair Salon on Melrose took two pigtails and left me with a fabulous non-soccer-mom bob. 


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That's Why I Hold On Jonella That's Why I Hold On Jonella

The Play is the Thing: Day Seven


It's done. Mission accomplished. I did it!

The first draft of my play is complete. 

That hardly means it's ready to be produced. But boy is it close.

I'm going to be ready for Hollywood Fringe next year.

Cesca mention a table read.

That sounds like something I might be able to do with Julie. 

I have no idea what I'm doing, but I'm doing it.

Cheers to me! Woo Hoo!

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Jonella Jonella

At Last

Last weekend my co-worker and friend, David, married the love of his life, Whimsey. It was a simple and beautiful service between two adults who’d taken the long road to this romance. Gives a grain of hope to those still looking for love.

My favorite part of the wedding was the groom's dad and his camera.

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Jonella Jonella

Bunny Moon Gets a Logo


Today my friend Sarah (Sarah Swen Designs) created a logo for Bunny Moon Press from a couple of sketches. What I thought was difficult she pulled together as a cohesive image in almost no time at all. I love it!


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Jonella Jonella

January 19, 1975


I think I liked the wrapping as much as the gift inside.

My 5th birthday on Locust Street in Denver. The Mickey Mouse record player was used hour after hour for years. I still have it. Well, of course I do. And the felt doll, most of the metal dish set, and the Fisher Price school bus with most of the little people.

I even have the cake stand and white handled cake knife.

Oh, the dress too. Mom sewed the dress. Was there nothing she couldn’t do?

That red horse is the wrapping for Silver, The Lone Ranger’s horse.

How cool is my mom?


Time for a wardrobe change.


Such a dork. 

My dress is caught in the wheels of the Fisher Price school bus.


tiered cake on a pedestal = love

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Jonella Jonella

Bob's Big Boy


“I don’t want to ask her to move.”

Took Mom and Beth to the Bob’s in Burbank. So yummy!


She moved!


One strawberry milkshake split three ways.



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