Universal Studios StarWay
All in the Family
It picks up where Don't Call Me Shurley left off. Then Kevin gets an upgrade. Sam babbles. Dean cries. All in the first three minutes of the All in the Family.
stolen with respect from Osric Chau
I love that Chuck is God. This is a god I can understand somehow. Not all wrath. Not lollypops and sunshine. Just Chuck, hiding in plain sight. Mostly in his underwear and a bathrobe. Writing. Even though writing is hard. Playing music. He gave himself the ability to play guitar. And sing. Drinking. Eating. Donuts. Nacho cheese. Bacon. Yes! Bacon. Chinese food out of the take out container. Having sex. Girlfriends. Boyfriends. Watching Dean's porn before moving on to... competitive curling.
I love that Lucifer isn't afraid of Amara. He's annoyed. Brilliant!
I love that Dean yells at Chuck for singing in the shower. Three times.
I love that we see Kevin go to Heaven and then meet Donatello. Not the Ninja Turtle.
I love that the Samulet is back.
I love that I don't really know where this is going. That we might lose Chuck. We've all lost God at some point in our lives, right?
Fare Thee Well
Chuck's back. Chuck's God. Chuck is awesome.
Some questions answered. More questions posed.
And then this beautiful, soulful, song.
video stolen with respect from Castiel Darling
And now I like Metatron? What? This look brought me to tears. A perfect scene. I don't care that the pages are clearly blank. Would we be able to see the word of God anyway?
stolen with respect from Rob Benedict